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February 2006

A TEDster tragedy


Sachi Gahan was due to come to TED2006 last week. Tragically her husband Drew Lippolt (pictured here) was killed in a motorcycle accident shortly before TED. She has written movingly about her husband at and at her blog (a painful real-life example of the power of personal blogging that Mena Trott spoke about last []

Pictures from TED2006


Tony Robbins, Julia Sweeney, Rick Warren, Al Gore and the Main Hall audience. Just a few of the images of an incredible week in Monterey. Many more here. …and some of the early comments from attendees:"My brain hurts""I loved TED last year, but I am now officially addicted. That was amazing.""I am at once exhausted []

TED Gift Bag: Totally sustainable, quite cool


I thought I’d follow David Hornik’s post about the gift bag loot, with a note on the bag itself … We’re proud to say that this year’s gift bag is the first totally sustainable messenger bag produced by Timbuk2. Its genesis is a great TED story … Inspired by eco-architect William McDonough’s talk at TED2005 []

The TED Gift Bag


After an incredible four days at TED, I drove home to my family in the Bay Area.  My kids were happy to see me, but they were far more interested in ransacking my TED gift bag.  As veterans of my many conference trips over the years, the kids are acutely aware that the TED gift []

Day four: The day in quotes


“We are seeding the area with ‘green-collar’ jobs, people who have both an economic interest and a personal stake in their environment”— Majora Carter on her organization’s efforts to ‘green’ the South Bronx “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original” – Ken Robinson “Creativity is now as []

Day Three: The Day in quotes


“If you don’t want to practice, you can hide it.” —11-year-old violinist Serena Huang, on why she chose the violin over the piano. “Houston, we have a problem. We’re entering the second generation of no progress.” — Spacecraft designer Burt Rutan, on the stalled space program. “We are now returning to an ancient form of []

The State Theater & its Content(s)


Whatever you think about Unleavened Doom, it sure does project to the balconies. Jim Crupi was therefore a good pick to address the full TED audience as we all assembled under one roof for the first time in the Monterey State Theater.    All told, I found the theater to be a great addition to []

In-depth coverage of TED2006


Outside of the quotes, photos and impressions you find here on the TEDblog, we’re fortunate this year to have at least two TEDsters liveblogging the conference in great detail. For extraordinary real-time analysis, take a look at the blogs of Ethan Zuckerman, of Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, and Bruno Giussani, who produced []

Day Two | The day in quotes


“One of the tragic aspects of human-right abuses is that they’re too easily forgotten or denied; but it appears that if there are cameras around, they tend to happen less.” —Peter Gabriel [Session write up | Photo] “If newts can regenerate a lost limb, why can’t we?” —Dr. Alan Russell explaining advances in regenerative medicine. []

Part I …


One of the more poignant points that Al Gore made in last night’s powerful speech about global warming was that a lot of people move directly from a state of denial about this issue to one of despair.  People in the first state don’t go out and try to change things because they don’t see []

Day One | The Day in Quotes


“Does history have an arrow? That’s a profound question. Because if you think history has an arrow, it changes how you feel about the future.” —Chris Anderson, introducing Robert Wright. [Session write up | Photo] “We are witnessing a collision between our civilization and the earth … We have no more than 10 years within []

Day One-Related Links


For me, a good gage of how intriguing a day at a conference has been is the number of times it sends me off to the Internet to dig up more information on the subjects it covered.  Day One of TED has definitely set a new high water mark in this regard, so I thought []

Excitement building in Monterey …


With just a few hours left till TED2006, the delicious anticipation is building. Truck after truck has unloaded the physical features of TED: dozens of Sony BRAVIA HDTV screens, hundreds of plush Steelcase couches and chairs, the makings of the Google cafe, the books for A Clean Well-Lighted Place. The Junipero Serra room has been []


Inigo Montoya On Broadway


Last night I watched the movie The Princess Bride for the 137th time.  It just never gets old.  While the entire star-studded cast of The Princess Bride (Billy Crystal, Robin Wright, Christopher Guest, Peter Falk, Wallace Shawn, Carol Kane, Fred Savage) is uniformly fantastic, it is hard to imagine a better role for Mandy Patinkin []


TED: The documentary


Over the last many months, we’ve been working on ways to bring the magic of TED to a wider audience, beyond the 1000 of us who gather in Monterey each February. We’re thrilled then, to tell you that a documentary about TED is now being developed for PBS. The goal is to capture the inspiration []

TED Book Club: What We Believe But Cannot Prove


The irresistible What We Believe But Cannot Prove sprung out of the annual question asked at by TEDster John Brockman. The contributors include many TED speakers, including: Martin Rees, Ray Kurzweil, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Petranek, Craig Venter, Michael Shermer, Jared Diamond, Freeman Dyson, Daniel Gilbert, Steven Pinker, Dan Dennett, George Dyson, Irene Pepperberg, Kevin []