Tags > Clint Smith

Stories for "Clint Smith"

Short talks, big energy: Notes from TED Unplugged at TED2018

Short talks, big energy: Notes from TED Unplugged at TED2018


“This is a little different than the mainstage at TED, in a sense that this is a little more relaxed,” says our host, the poet and TED speaker Clint Smith. “These are speakers who have not been selected specifically for the mainstage, but they’re just as talented, just as brilliant, and just as important.” A []

A “living fossil” spotted in the South Pacific, a machine that vomits + poetry that rethinks assumptions about inmates

A “living fossil” spotted in the South Pacific, a machine that vomits + poetry that rethinks assumptions about inmates


The TED community has news to share. Read on for highlights. The rarest animal on Earth, spotted once again. Peter Ward hadn’t seen his “old friend,” the Allonautilus scrobiculatus, since 1984. But he recognized its hairy, slimy, golden shell instantly. Ward wrote about his rediscovery of this creature — alongside its more-common relative, the nautilus, []