Tags > David Gallo

Stories for "David Gallo"

TED Weekends dives into the deep sea

TED Weekends dives into the deep sea


Underwater, there’s a world full of the bioluminescent and colorfully firework-like creatures. This is what David Gallo showed us in his classic talk from TED2007, “Underwater astonsihments.” The most interesting part: We have only explored about 3% of the world’s oceans, Gallo explains and, in this talk, he shares some views of that fascinating fraction []

A ribbon of life in the deep ocean: David Gallo on TED.com


With vibrant video clips captured by submarines, David Gallo takes us to some of Earth’s darkest, most violent, toxic and beautiful habitats, the valleys and volcanic ridges of the oceans’ depths, where life is bizarre, resilient and shockingly abundant. (Recorded February 1998 in Monterey, California. Duration: 13:20.)   Watch David Gallo’s 1998 talk on TED.com, []

Counting down the Top 10 TEDTalks


With 50 million views since we debuted online two years ago, TED talks have become a powerful cultural force. To celebrate this milestone, we’re releasing a never-before-seen list: the Top 10 TED talks of all time, as of June 2008. With speakers like neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor and global health expert Hans Rosling, the list []

Wordle, an addictive new web toy


Jonathan Feinberg, a sometime collaborator of artist Golan Levin (watch Levin’s TEDTalk), has given the world an addictive new web toy. Wordle turns any block of text into a word cloud — like a tag cloud but prettier. It’s hard to stop using it once you start. TEDTalks transcripts produce these handsome results: ABOVE: Erin []

Biomimicry in National Geographic and on TED.com


This month’s National Geographic has a great story on biomimetics, or biomimicry, the art of studying nature’s engineering. If you’re inspired by this story, check out these TEDTalks for more on biomimicry. Clicking on a name (or an image above) will launch the TEDTalks player >> + Scientist Robert Full (whose work with geckos is []

Lost in the stars: TED@Aspen Day 3


Photo: Michael Brands/Aspen Institute Friday at TED@Aspen, we hosted live Talks from Walter Isaacson, the head of the Aspen institute, and the wonderful Ze Frank. Between TED sessions via satellite, we heard from David Gallo and William Lange of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Joy Mountford sharing amazing data visualizations, Ron Dembo and his ZeroFootprint []

Underwater astonishments: David Gallo on TED.com


David Gallo shows jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures, including a shape-shifting cuttlefish, a pair of fighting squid, and a mesmerizing gallery of bioluminescent fish that light up the blackest depths of the ocean. (Recorded March 2007 in Monterey, California. Duration: 5:21.)   Watch David Gallo’s talk on TED.com, where you can download it, rate []