Tags > Dong Woo Jang

Stories for "Dong Woo Jang"

The art of bow-making: Dong Woo Jang at TED2013

The art of bow-making: Dong Woo Jang at TED2013


The Korean education system is famed for its high levels of scholastic achievement, but as 15-year-old Seoul native Dong Woo Jang professes, not everyone responds to this kind of “pressure cooking” in the same way. His response to the high-pressure environment was an unusual one: to make wooden bows. Why? He’s not sure. Perhaps all []

Create!: The speakers in Session 6 at TED2013

Create!: The speakers in Session 6 at TED2013


Once you dream, you have to do. The speakers in Session 6 have spent their careers giving form to ideas. They are makers, builders, artists and implementers — all with fascinating ideas about what it means to be a creative person. The speakers who appeared in this session. Click on their name to read a []