Tags > Faith

Stories for "faith"

Faith and doubt, last night in the TED office

Faith and doubt, last night in the TED office


Beliefs run deep, influencing not just whether we follow a religion but also the choices we make about every aspect of our lives. Belief is something we at TED think a lot about, and last night we held a session in our office dedicated to exploring what we believe and why we believe it. The []

The doubt essential to faith: Lesley Hazleton at TEDGlobal 2013

The doubt essential to faith: Lesley Hazleton at TEDGlobal 2013


A few years ago, Lesley Hazleton, self-described “accidental theologist,” found herself waking each morning with the same question: What happened to Muhammad the night he received the revelation of the Koran? An agnostic Jew, Hazleton was writing a biography of the man who stood in the desert outside of Mecca in the year 610 at []

The Space Between: Talks from TEDxWomen

The Space Between: Talks from TEDxWomen


Over the past two days, TEDxWomen brought together 50 speakers from around the globe, each giving a different slice of thinking on the state of women today. Here, a selection of the powerful talks from this event, which was produced and curated by The Paley Center for Media. Session 1: The space between Poverty and []