Tags > Inequality

Stories for "inequality"

How did Nick Hanauer get onto TED’s home page?!

How did Nick Hanauer get onto TED’s home page?!


There’s a bit of a back story behind today’s TED Talk, in which Nick Hanauer issues a powerful warning to his fellow zillionaire ‘plutocrats’ that it’s time to take the inequality issue seriously, and makes the case to dramatically raise the minimum wage. Some of you may remember that two years ago there was an online spat between []

6 studies on how money affects the mind

6 studies on how money affects the mind


How does being rich affect the way we behave? In today’s talk, social psychologist Paul Piff provides a convincing case for the answer: not well. “As a person’s levels of wealth increase, their feelings of compassion and empathy go down, and their feelings of entitlement, of deservingness, and their ideology of self-interest increases,” he says in []

An update from Richard Wilkinson

An update from Richard Wilkinson


“If there is this big difference, with some people worth everything and other people worth nothing, where do you come?” So asks Richard Wilkinson in the trailer for the forthcoming documentary based on his influential book The Spirit Level. Wilkinson, an epidemiologist, spent his career examining health issues caused or worsened by poverty and inequality — []

11 TED Talks about equality of all kinds for Pride Month

11 TED Talks about equality of all kinds for Pride Month


June is otherwise known as Pride Month, a time to celebrate both the struggles and victories on the road to equality. So it feels very fitting that today, June 26, on the final day of their term, the Supreme Court delivered a pair of rulings that bolster gay marriage. Today, explore this compilation of talks about []