Tags > Kid President

Stories for "Kid President"

Kid President gives an adorable TED, er KID, Talk

Kid President gives an adorable TED, er KID, Talk


Kid President warms hearts anytime he speaks. So what happens when he gives a “KID Talk”? A great opening line, tiny top hats for dogs and, of course, a dance. This talk gets a standing ovation from us—and we have a feeling it will send you off to the weekend in the right spirit. Watch Kid President’s []

4 inspiring kids imagine the future of learning

4 inspiring kids imagine the future of learning


After more than 13 years of research convinced him that children have the ability to learn almost anything on their own, 2013 TED Prize winner Sugata Mitra aspires to shape the future of learning by building a School in the Cloud, helping kids “tap into their innate sense of wonder.” In the spirit of Mitra’s []

In short: The true story of Kid President, the danger of Dr. Oz


Here, some staff picks of smart, funny, bizarre and cool stuff on the interwebs from this (and last) week: The true story of Kid President: Watch this behind-the-scenes video of everyone’s favorite new politician. [YouTube] And make sure to watch his pep talk, posted on TED last week. An absolute must-read by Michael Specter, on []