Tags > Microsoft

Stories for "Microsoft"

Exclusive demo: Blaise Agüera y Arcas shows how the new Photosynth lets you swoop through 3D space

Exclusive demo: Blaise Agüera y Arcas shows how the new Photosynth lets you swoop through 3D space


[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LxlhoemR3A&w=586&h=330] About a decade ago, Blaise Agüera y Arcas and his team started on a not-so-small mission: “To reinvent the whole enterprise of photography for ordinary people.” He revealed the first step back at TED2007. In a viral talk dotted with ooohs and aaahs from the audience (his strategy? “I talked really fast”), Agüera y Arcas []

We're made for zooming


It its newest issue, Newsweek publishes a detailed story on Microsoft’s Seadragon technology and the man behind it, Blaise Aguera y Arcas (who premiered it at TED07 last March, watch his speech), and discusses what it calls the "zoom interface": The Internet, it seems, doesn’t take advantage of how humans best process information. Evolution granted []

A tour of MS Virtual Earth, on TED.com


Stephen Lawler, from Microsoft, takes us on a tour through the company’s new Virtual Earth project, which is, basically, an attempt to turn the entire planet into an interface to the web. Collecting and synthesizing massive amounts of data — bird’s-eye views, street-level photos, 3D wireframes — the Virtual Earth team are building a world []