Tags > Monkeys

Stories for "monkeys"

7 talks on monkeys, and 7 talks on mind control

7 talks on monkeys, and 7 talks on mind control


Miguel Nicolelis begins today’s talk by showing you what a brainstorm looks and sounds like. “This is 100 brain cells firing,” says Nicolelis. “Everything that defines what human nature is comes from these storms that roll over the hills and valleys of our brains and define our memories, our beliefs, our feelings, our plans for []

Watching monkeys make friends: Q&A with Lauren Brent

Watching monkeys make friends: Q&A with Lauren Brent


We know other primates are a lot like us. But how close are they, and what can we learn about ourselves from them? Lauren Brent is a primatologist and evolutionary biologist who has spent years studying social bonds — particularly friendship — with an eye to learning how and why those behaviors evolved. We talked []