Tags > Rich + Tone Talauega

Stories for "Rich + Tone Talauega"

Electric, eclectic dance: Rich + Tone Talauega at TED2013

Electric, eclectic dance: Rich + Tone Talauega at TED2013


Brothers Rich + Tone Talauega are choreographers whose energy is so powerful one performance makes the whole room seem to vibrate. This morning at TED, with the help of music producer Keith Harris, they unleash an eclectic menagerie of dance forms that meld martial arts, hip-hop and classical dance. The intensity is palpable across the []

Dream!: The speakers in Session 5 at TED2013

Dream!: The speakers in Session 5 at TED2013


Before you can create a new world, you have to imagine new possibilities. The speakers in this session are the visionaries who propose that which couldn’t be seen before, and suggest new paths that not only haven’t been traveled yet — but haven’t been thought of. Here are the speakers in this session. Click their []