Tags > Richard Baraniuk

Stories for "Richard Baraniuk"

How small lies turn into big lies, what everyday objects tell us about inequality, and robots that lend a helping hand during disasters

How small lies turn into big lies, what everyday objects tell us about inequality, and robots that lend a helping hand during disasters


Just a few of the intriguing headlines involving members of the TED community this week: The cascading effect of small lies. Tali Sharot is the senior author on a paper published in Nature Neuroscience that sheds light on the possible slippery-slope effect of telling small, self-serving lies. Using an fMRI scanning device to monitor the []

Web-based ways to make a difference


To help those of us making resolutions this week, here is a sampling of web tools for making a difference, inspired by TEDTalks speakers: + Share Ron Eglash‘s cool math tools, for studying math via breakdancing, Latin beats and cornrow braids + Dive into Richard Baraniuk‘s Connexions, a massive repository of open-source class materials + []