Tags > Self improvement

Stories for "self improvement"

A non-cheesy guide to gratefulness: What to read and watch

A non-cheesy guide to gratefulness: What to read and watch


Gratefulness isn’t always something that comes easily. Below, some reading and watching to get you into a thankful headspace. Watch: “Want to be happy? Be thankful.” This TED Talk from David Steindl-Rast is the perfect Thanksgiving appetizer. In it, the Benedictine monk and interfaith scholar talks about what, exactly, it means to be grateful and offers a simple process for living []

TED Talks to cheer you up on a bad day

TED Talks to cheer you up on a bad day


It’s a widely documented fact: bad days are cumulative. They begin with pouring yourself a bowl of cereal, only to find that you’re out of milk. They escalate with discovering that the hot water isn’t working in the shower, and they percolate over a terrible morning commute. Add in a thunderstorm or an unexpected tiff []

TEDWeekends wonders: Do you have an inner hero?

TEDWeekends wonders: Do you have an inner hero?


Yo-yo champion BLACK does, in fact, wear a special costume — all black, with a red sash. But he has not always been a superhero. In his very sweet talk from TED2013, BLACK reveals that as a young teenager he struggled with feelings of worthlessness — and that it was dedicating himself to the yo-yo []

Quoted: David Steindl-Rast on the gentle power of gratefulness

Quoted: David Steindl-Rast on the gentle power of gratefulness


By Susan Zimmerman David Steindl-Rast has the honor of closing this year’s TEDGlobal. The Benedictine monk, whose words made an appearance in Louie Schwartzberg’s classic talk “Nature. Beauty. Gratitude,” is known for bridging Catholicism and Buddhism. In the book The Ground We Share, he reveals that the key to both faiths, when you boil it []

Last night at TED headquarters: a salon on life hacks

Last night at TED headquarters: a salon on life hacks


Last night in the TED office, we held a salon all about spring cleaning — for your life. Themed “A Better You,” the event featured four speakers with ideas on how to make a better, happier, more productive self. First to speak was The Power of Habit author Charles Duhigg, a reporter for The New York Times who []

My Year of TED: How 54 talks changed a life

My Year of TED: How 54 talks changed a life


By Kylie Dunn What do you get when you cross a 39-year-old perfectionist with 54 TED Talks and far more honesty than any person probably needs to experience? You get my Year of TED. I’ve been inspired by TED Talks for years, and felt the urge to do something noteworthy and challenging to ring in []