Tags > TEDActive 2014

Stories for "TEDActive 2014"

TEDActive, in Instagrams

TEDActive, in Instagrams


Take the TED Conference and add a generous helping of play, a sprinkling of colorful creativity, a lot of red beanbags, an endless supply of coffee, and a plethora of riveting conversations around fire pits with a tribe of smart, quirky people from all over the world and — voila! — you have the recipe []

The #1 myth of TED: You have to be invited

The #1 myth of TED: You have to be invited


Every year, as registration for the TED conference begins, a myth floats in the ether: many people think that you have to be invited to attend. Not true! To show your interest in attending TED, all you have to do is apply. It’s open to anyone — from inventors to directors, philanthropists to painters, chemists []

10 fun facts about Vancouver and Whistler

10 fun facts about Vancouver and Whistler


TED is ready to learn every word to “O Canada.” For TED2014 — our 30th anniversary spectacular themed “The Next Chapter” — we are moving our annual West Coast conference to Vancouver, Canada. There, we’ll enjoy sweeping views of the harbor and North Shore Mountains, a theater custom-built to maximize the impact of talks and []