
Teens: Compare your stats with kids around the world

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TED speaker Rick Smolan is asking students between the ages of 13 and 18 to become “Data Detectives” for a new project he’s unveiling today — and that he will talk about at TEDYouth this Saturday.

By answering a 20-question online survey, teenagers will help build a data set that will let then compare themselves to teens all over the world. Some sample questions from the survey: “Are you more like your mother or father?” “How do your parents discipline you for bad behavior?” “How do you get to school: by bus, public transportation, limo, donkey, or skateboard?” The survey is anonymous and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Take the Data Detective survey here >>

You can watch a FREE livestream of TEDYouth on Saturday, Nov 17, 1-6pm EST. Just bookmark this page and check back at 1pm Eastern on Saturday: http://new.livestream.com/tedyouth