
Yo-yo artist BLACK performs with Cirque du Soleil

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Yo-yo artist BLACK in costume.

Yo-yo artist BLACK in costume for his Cirque du Soleil performance earlier this month.

Yo-yo master BLACK, who gave a rousing demonstration of his skills at TED2013 along with a moving talk about how the yo-yo helped him transcend low self-esteem, writes to tell us that he’s finally fulfilled a dream that he shared onstage: Earlier this month, he performed at a one-day Cirque du Soleil event. BLACK: My journey to yo-yo mastery BLACK: My journey to yo-yo mastery

“Finally, I performed for Cirque du Soleil! My TED footage impressed them,” he writes, sending along some photographic proof of the private event, whose further details he agreed not to share. “Being picked as a TED speaker was a big dream for me, maybe even as big as performing in Cirque du Soleil.”

Watch this talk — and marvel at BLACK’s yo-yo spinning masterfully around him like a ribbon ’round a rhythmic gymnast.


A still-life from BLACK’s Cirque dream come true.