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A father and daughter talk about their photo tradition, 15 years in the making

In his TED Talk, Steven Addis shared a tradition that he and his daughter have kept for 15 years, since she was just 1 year old. On a father-daughter trip to New York City, the pair asks a stranger to snap a photo of them on the exact same street corner. Addis calls these photos his 15 most treasured images.

Steven Addis: A father-daughter bond, one photo at a time Yesterday, Addis and his daughter appeared on CBS News to share more about their tradition. Sabina Addis, now 16, spoke about the ritual from her perspective.

“I think it’s a really special trip. New York really laid down the foundation of the relationship my dad and I have together. We have a level of trust and comfort together that I can’t image many 16-year-olds have with their fathers,” she says. “For me, it’s really cool just to see how we’ve both grown and how different I look every single year. Each one triggers back a memory of each specific trip. It queues up a lot of memories.”

When asked how long they plan to continue this tradition, Steven Addis says, “Now it’s sacred … The plan is for the rest of, probably, my life.”

Read more about others with time-lapse photo traditions »