TED Blog

A field guide to TED graphic notes

Makayla Lewis sketched these notes while watching Amanda Palmer’s TED Talk online.

At TED 2011, Sunni Brown encouraged doodling everywhere – classrooms and meeting rooms included. “The doodle … engages all four learning modalities simultaneously, with the possibility of an emotional experience,” she says in her classic talk. [ted_talkteaser id =1230]Yes, it’s proven that doodling helps you remember things more efficiently.

Graphic notetaking is the doodle, evolved and tamed. So it is no surprise that the many creative people and visual learners who attend TED conferences and locally organized TEDx events choose this method for capturing information.

What does a graphic notetaker do? They must majorly multitask: they listen to a talk, synthesizing everything a speaker is saying, breaking down everything into phrases and drawings, linking ideas and statements, and adding aesthetic details and colors. All of this is done in real time, with little to no briefing beforehand. It requires more than a good eye or artistic talent; you need an excellent ear practiced in active listening. An arsenal of visual vocabulary doesn’t hurt, either.

We’ve scoped out the wildest graphic notes floating around the TED ecosystem and culled great tips for graphic notetaking, from the masters themselves:

  1. The less you think about it, the better the result. If you concentrate too much on each task it becomes almost impossible. It’s like being in a state of flow.
  2. Illustrations are great to make your sketchnote engaging, but it’s more important to get the essence of the conversation, to get your structure right. Map out a start, middle and end and let your audience read the story you’re trying to tell.
  3. Don’t be afraid to stop and listen. You’ll usually be able to summarize two or three paragraphs into a few words and a nice illustration.