TEDSketchNotes.Tumblr.com gives you Cliffs Notes to talks from speakers like Del Harvey, Ken Robinson, Andras Forgacs and Ed Yong, in sketchbook form. The passion project of Chicago-area designer Stefani Bachetti, what sets this Tumblr apart from other sketchnote spins on talks (see them from TEDGlobal 2011, TED2012, TED2013 and TED2014) is that a new image gets posted every weekday, more or less.
“I’ve been doing sketchnotes professionally on the side for a while, and teach the occasional workshop on it,” says Bachetti. “I’m always telling people interested in getting better to go watch a bunch of TED Talks to practice. I figured if I’m always telling people to go do it, maybe I should lead by example.”
Bachetti takes notes as she watches a talk, then spends an additional 10 to 15 minutes filling in color and shading. From there, she posts the image to Tumblr. “I’ve been trying to make sure there’s a blend of ‘classics’ and newer releases,” she says of her talk selections. “I do notice myself gravitating to videos with higher view counts. But certain topics just seem to lend themselves to being visualized.”
While she’s posted many sketches so far, Bachetti can easily pick her favorite.
“It’s probably Mary Roach’s talk, ‘10 things you didn’t know about orgasm.’ I have read several of her books and think she’s hysterical. The mood of the sketch reflects both the dynamic nature of her talk, as well as my affinity for her in general,” says Bachetti. “I’m really excited by how the series is evolving. I started out being very structured with the layouts, but am starting to experiment more with each sketch. I’m seeing how to more clearly define the flow of each talk without losing playfulness.”
See a few of her sketchnotes below. And check out many more on TEDSketchNotes.Tumblr.com »
Are you a TED fan who remixes talks on paper, in music or on video? Write kate@ted.com to have your work featured on the TED Blog.
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