TED Blog

More reactions to Al Gore's talk

As congratulations for Al Gore, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner, pour in from the TED community, we asked people who saw Gore’s TED2006 presentations to talk about the impact his talks had on them. This is the second in the series.

When I facilitate a gathering of wild tiger experts next month in India, Al Gore’s inspiration will be front and center. Thank you, Al, for waking me up! to the interconnectedness of our earth and its species. — Susan W. Bird

After experiencing Al at TED, vowed to change my Republican ways, support Hillary for President (unless, of course, Al agrees to run!), shift my business to sourcing sustainability innovations for Fortune 500 companies and admit publicly that I am now a “Recovering Republican” for the rest of my life… — Mark A. Kaiser

Like TEDster John Doerr said, “I am afraid that we’re not going to make it,” but if we do the world will be indebted to Al Gore, a man of gravitas who did the right thing at the right time and is so deserving of the Nobel Prize (and the presidency, carpe diem). — Bruce Hoffman

Al Gore’s brilliant and powerful talk hit me square in the jaw — he moved me to tears and called me to action in defense of our home, our Earth. — Ralph Farris

What most strikes me about Al’s leadership is that he has spent his entire life working on climate change with passion, commitment, intelligence and a firm resolve that never waivered. He didn’t do this work for an award, and it makes him all the more deserving as a hero who inspires us all to be better and do more. — Jacqueline Novogratz

Al Gore’s talk at TED06 instantly gave me hope that the planetary climate crisis would finally become a front-and-center issue of public conversation and personal conscience. — Tom Guarriello