This week at TEDSummit, we’re celebrating the creative forces flowing from TEDx events around the world. Check out these stunning video trailers, all of them custom-made for local TEDx events, that capture the regional style, the creativity and craft, the local visions … that represent the imagination of the global TEDx community.
“End-beginning,” from TEDxThessaloniki
“Taxi drivers,” from TEDxBuenosAires
“Thinker,” from TEDxAthens
“First Taste,” from TEDxSydney
“Balance,” from TEDxKoeln
“Mogadishu,” from TEDxMogadishu
“Kids,” from TEDxKids@Chiyoda
“The power of X,” from the 2013 TEDxSummit
“Brain,” from TEDxAmsterdam
“Cidade,” from TEDxJardimdasPalmeiras
“Bike,” from TEDxDiliman
“Flash opera,” from TEDxRioDeLaPlata