Few people see the world in simple black-and-white terms — instead, most of us, women and men alike, experience a wide spectrum of color, a world of differing viewpoints and nuance. This year’s TEDxWomen, themed “The Space Between,” will explores the gradiation of the world around us. The event will feature six sessions: “Poverty and Plenty,” examining the space between having a little and having a lot; “Fact and Faith,” looking at the space between what we know and what we believe; “IQ and EQ,” revealing the space between intellectual and emotional intelligence; “Stops and Starts,” addressing the space between disruption and moving forward; and “The Rising,” turning an eye to the space between war and peace, and how we all play a part by either doing something or doing nothing.
TEDxWomen will take place on Friday, November 30, and Saturday, December 1, In Washington, D.C. While the event is sold-out it will be live streamed. Bookmark the livestream page here >>
After the jump, the exciting lineup of speakers, from feminist playwright Eve Ensler to war correspondent Bob Woodruff.
Julia Bluhm and Izzie Labbe are two young women who successfully petitioned Seventeen magazine to stop altering the faces and body shapes of girls with Photoshop.
Hyun Kyung Chung is a Korean spiritual leader and eco-feminist.
Loreen Arbus was the first woman to head programming for a U.S. network, at both Showtime and Lifetime. Currently, she is the president of Loreen Arbus Productions as well as an Argentine Tango choreographer.
A former ABC war correspondent, Bob Woodruff suffered a traumatic brain injury while embedded in Iraq in 2005. He and his wife, Lee, will describe their journey since.
Jessica Pabon studies graffiti artists, examining how female graffiti writers navigate the male-dominated subculture.
Musimbi Kanyoro is the head of the Women’s Global Fund.
A feminist media critic, Anita Sarkeesian initiated a successful Kickstarter campaign to examine gender tropes in video games.
Also speaking at TEDxWomen:
- Amber Rubarth, singer-songwriter
- Archana Kapoor, publisher and filmmaker
- Arshi Saleem Hashmi, of the Institute of Regional Studies
- Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes, writer
- Brittany Wenger, winner of Google Science Fair
- Charlotte Beers, businesswoman
- Eboo Patel, founder of Interfaith Youth Core
- Edit Schlaffer, social scientist
- Elizabeth Lindsey, cultural intelligence expert
- Emily May, co-founder of Hollaback!
- Emily Bazelon, who wrote a book on bullying
- Fatou B. Bensouda, lawyer
- Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, who wrote a book on female entrepreneurs
- Inch Chua, musician
- iO Tillett Wright, artist and filmmaker
- Jacki Zehner, wealth management expert and philanthropist
- Jake Glaser, HIV activist
- Janine di Giovanni, journalist
- Sister Joan Chittister, author
- John Gerzema, social theorist
- Jose Antonio Vargas, journalist
- Kate Clinton, comedian
- Lourds Lane, musician
- Lynne Hurdle-Price, facilitator
- Malehlohonolo Moleko, bakery owner and mom
- Maya Azucena, singer-songwriter
- Radmilla Cody, musician
- Shabana Basij-Rasikh, founder of HELA
- Sue Austin, wheelchair video artist
- Tanyaradzwa Ashleigh Tawengwa, musician
- Zahra Langhi, cofounder of Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace
For much more information on each speaker, head to the TEDxWomen website »
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