TED Blog

Announcing three new TEDGlobal speakers, plus more who’ve been in the news recently

Three fascinating speakers have been added to the lineup for TEDGlobal 2013, which kicks off in Edinburgh, Scotland, June 10 to 14.

First, Anne-Marie Slaughter, who exploded the conversation about women’s work-life balance with her July/August 2012 The Atlantic article, “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All,” will join the conference to lend her expertise on policy and work. Slaughter, who’ll become president of the New America Foundation in September, will speak during session 1, “The Moment of Truth.”

Brazilian neuroscientist Suzana Herculano-Heuzel will also take the TEDGlobal stage. Herculano-Heuzel created “brain soup” in order to count the number of neurons in the human brain. She will speak during session 5, “Listening to Nature,” as her latest work has her studying elephant and whale brains.

The final new addition to the program: Andras Forgacs, the co-founder and CEO of Modern Meadow, a company which is “bio-printing” meat and leather. In other words: no animal will be killed in the making of the final consumer products.

See the full lineup of speakers, and read their detailed bios.

The 70+ presenters at TEDGlobal 2013 are an enthralling bunch. Here’s a look at some of the other speakers who’ve been in the news recently.

We can’t wait for these speakers to make us “Think Again” at TEDGlobal 2013.