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Are you human? Ze Frank at TED2014

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Ze Frank. Photo: James Duncan Davidson

To break up a dense (and early) morning session all about Us, performance artist Ze Frank wants to do a quick human test. He asks you to raise your hand when a question applies. Answer honestly. This is a safe space.

Ready? Let’s begin:

  • Have you ever eaten a booger long past your childhood?
  • Have you ever purposefully lowercased the first letter of a text in order to seem sad or disappointed?
  • Have you ever laughed or smiled when someone said something shitty to you and then spent the rest of the day wondering why you reacted that way?
  • Have you ever tried to guess someone’s password so many times it locked their account?
  • Have you ever had a nagging feeling you will one day be discovered as a fraud?
  • Have you ever smiled like an idiot while texting someone?
  • Have you ever lost the ability to imagine the future without a person who was no longer in your life?
  • Have you ever realized that very little in the long run just happens naturally?

Congratulations, you have now completed the test. You are all human.