The stairs to the Vancouver Convention Centre get the TED2014 treatment. Photo: Mike Femia
Today, TED begins writing “The Next Chapter.” Attendees are streaming into the Vancouver Convention Centre for our 30th anniversary conference, the final touches have been put on the exhibitions, and the speakers have gone through rehearsals. Here, some images of our set-up efforts. Stay tuned to the TED Blog for minute-by-minute coverage of what goes down at TED2014.

The TED logo is afixed to the front window of the Vancouver Convention Centre, right beside their famous rotating globe. Photo: Mike Femia

The assembly of our bespoke theater begins. Stay turned to the TED Blog on Tuesday morning for much more on that. Photo: Ryan Lash

What will the stage itself look like? You’ll have to wait to find out. But, in the meantime, a teaser courtesy of photographer James Duncan Davidson.

TED curator Chris Anderson at a press briefing for the conference. Photo: Bret Hartman

Metaspace is a sculpture by Johannes Girardoni that you can crawl into to experience a different kind of perception. Here, it gets assembled. Photo: Mike Femia

A wall of our TED2014 speakers. Photo: Mike Femia

“Skies Painted with Unnumbered Sparks” is a sculpture by Janet Echelman with an interactive artwork created in collaboration with Aaron Koblin. This incredible sculpture flies in the sky outside TED2014. Photo: Bret Hartman

Meanwhile, things are also looking good at TEDActive 2014 in Whistler. Photo: Marla Aufmuth
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