StoryCorps founder Dave Isay and TED’s Helen Walters open Session 6 of TED2024: The Brave and the Brilliant on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Photo: Gilberto Tadday / TED)
In Session 6 of TED2024, we heard from bridge-builders — inspiring speakers working to unite people across political divides, conflicts, differences and more.
The event: Talks from Session 6 of TED2024: The Brave and the Brilliant, hosted by TED’s Helen Walters and Dave Isay, the founder of StoryCorps and winner of the 2015 TED Prize
When and where: Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, BC, Canada
Speakers: Gabrielle Rifkind, David Finnigan, Ketakandriana Rafitoson, Spencer J. Cox, Daniel Lubetzky

Micah Handler (left) and Amer Abu Arqub speak at Session 6 of TED2024: The Brave and the Brilliant on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Photo: Gilberto Tadday / TED)
Performance: The Jerusalem Youth Chorus (JYC) is a choral and dialogue program for Palestinian and Israeli youth in Jerusalem. JYC’s founder Micah Hendler and executive director Amer Abu Arqub discuss the impetus behind the program, how music creates cross-cultural understanding and introduce the chorus itself for a rousing performance.

Gabrielle Rifkind speaks at Session 6 of TED2024: The Brave and the Brilliant on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Photo: Gilberto Tadday / TED)
Gabrielle Rifkind is director of the Oxford Process, an organization devoted to ending armed conflict with the tools of mass psychology and geopolitics, rather than the weapons of war. With inclusive negotiating strategies, she believes we can create a world where nations rush to the bargaining table rather than to their guns.

David Finnigan speaks at Session 6 of TED2024: The Brave and the Brilliant on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Photo: Ryan Lash / TED)
In the wake of his production Kill Climate Deniers, playwright David Finnigan received countless messages from everyday individuals defending their beliefs. While climate deniers still refuse to believe science, says Finnigan, they’re right about one thing: climate action requires us to change how we live — and that’s something we all should embrace.

Ketakandriana Rafitoson speaks at Session 6 of TED2024: The Brave and the Brilliant on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Photo: Gilberto Tadday / TED)
In Madagascar, activist Ketakandriana Rafitoson empowers citizens to protect their rights in the face of systemic exploitation. In the absence of strong democratic traditions, her grassroots toolkit of citizen assemblies, legal aid and collective action is helping to organize Madagascar, one community at a time.

Governor of Utah Spencer J. Cox speaks at Session 6 of TED2024: The Brave and the Brilliant on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Photo: Ryan Lash / TED)
When he felt his faith in the peaceful transfer of power in the US eroding, Governor of Utah Spencer J. Cox reached out to his political opponent to produce a campaign ad — together. It sparked a nationwide conversation about bridging political divides and fostering a united society. On the TED stage, he shares three things we can all do to disagree without hate.

Daniel Lubetzky speaks at Session 6 of TED2024: The Brave and the Brilliant on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Photo: Gilberto Tadday / TED)
We’re being programmed to think every issue is binary: “us versus them.” But Daniel Lubetzky says the real enemy is not a person but a mindset: extremism that hijacks the agenda and foments division. He previews a new initiative that aims to bring together “builders” (instead of “dividers”) from around the world and across the political spectrum, to replace eternal conflict with practical problem-solving.

Backstage at Session 6 of TED2024: The Brave and the Brilliant on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Photo: Jasmina Tomic / TED)
TED2024, held April 15-19, 2024, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, is a week of talks, discovery sessions, excursions, dinners, performances and more celebrating “The Brave and the Brilliant.” Special thanks to our strategic partners PwC, Adobe, Schneider Electric and Northwestern Mutual.