Browse the Time 100 list — and let it point you to great TEDTalks!
Hillary Clinton: “Tough. Indefatigable. Patient. Smart. Knowledgeable. Superior political instincts. Funny. Loyal team player. Finds opportunities in crises and challenges. Skilled global advocate for American interests and American values. That is my job description for U.S. Secretary of State.”
Watch Hillary Clinton’s TEDTalk >>
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy: “Pakistan’s first Oscar belongs to a monumental campaign that is changing the legal, social and political fate of survivors of acid-related violence. Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s documentary Saving Face brought Pakistan’s acid-violence problem to the world stage.”
Sharmeen is not only a TED speaker but also a TED Senior Fellow. Watch her TEDTalk >>
Sheryl Sandberg: “In a time of great challenge and even greater opportunity, Sheryl Sandberg, 42, understands intuitively the potential of social networking to create positive change on a grand scale.”
Watch Sandberg’s TEDTalk >>
Hans Rosling: “Hans Rosling trained in statistics and medicine and spent years on the front lines of public health in Africa. Yet his greatest impact has come from his stunning renderings of the numbers that characterize the human condition.”
Watch Hans’ many TEDTalks >>
Donald Sadoway: “‘Want to know the best thing about being a professor? Colored chalk.’ That’s the word from MIT engineer Donald Sadoway, whose class is one of the largest in the history of the school and whose online TED chalk talk has logged more than 380,000 views.”
Watch Sadoway’s new TEDTalk >>
Sadoway is also a star of TED2012, Auto-Tuned >>
Henrik Schärfe: “Henrik Schärfe was a little-known professor at Denmark’s Aalborg University until he began appearing on YouTube and at TED conferences with his doppelgänger, Geminoid-DK. The robot looks a lot like Schärfe, 44, so it’s very cool — and pretty creepy. But that’s Schärfe’s point.”
Watch for Henrik Schärfe’s TEDTalk to be posted soon!
José Andrés: “Suddenly I heard a familiar laugh, headed down to the bar and found José Andrés holding court with journalists on behalf of a solar-powered cookstove that cheaply boils water for people with little or no access to fuel. Encountering José in a crumbling hotel in Haiti was entirely to be expected.”
José Andres is speaking this week at TEDxSummit! Watch for his TEDTalk to be posted soon.
Salman Khan: “Like a lot of great innovators, Salman Khan didn’t set out to change the world. He was just trying to help his teenage cousin with her algebra from across the country. But from a closet turned office in his Silicon Valley apartment, Sal, 35, has produced an amazing library of online lectures on math, science and a host of other subjects.”
Watch Khan’s TEDTalk >>
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