Today, releases its 500th TEDTalk: perennial favorite Hans Rosling’s latest data-bubble presentation from TED@State. Since April 2007, the site has selected the best talks and performances from TED and partner conferences around the world and made them available to everyone online, for free. In keeping with TED’s mission to spread ideas, these talks have been reposted, shared among friends and shown in classrooms from middle schools to colleges.
Reaching 500 TEDTalks is an amazing milestone, and one that was not entirely expected. The experiment of putting talks online has blossomed into a thriving web community of fans and friends of TED, in ways that no one could have predicted. One blogger has made it her goal to watch absolutely all of the TEDTalks (for a spreadsheet that includes every TEDTalk, click here). Our incredibly dedicated volunteer translators have helped us provide TEDTalks in dozens of different languages. And, on our Facebook page, fans discuss and debate on the talks as they go up, creating strings of conversation that often extend into hundreds of comments. At TED, we’ve worked very hard to reach 500 talks, but we couldn’t have done without you.
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