TED Blog

Charter for Compassion: Twitter reaction

It’s been 5 hours since the launch of the Charter for Compassion. Some reaction from around the Twittersphere:

@vrimj: This is beautiful and made me cry. I have not read something this humane in a while.

@Deepak_Chopra Please join me in joining the Charter for #Compassion. Please RT & ask others to affirm

@VirginiaMiracle: Karen Armstrong – this is a call for compassionate moderates to become as organized as extremists are

@Lightkin Tears of #compassion in my eyes: Video- the Charter for Compassion is read by a myriad of people: http://tr.im/EPMU

@TommyGSync Been waiting 4 2day 2 arrive ever since hearing #Ted #Compassion 2008 Wish. Please consider http://digg.com/d115hbr

In photo above: Karen Armstrong, winner of the TED Prize, right, and Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, director of the Department of Religion at the Chautauqua Institution, unveil the “Charter for Compassion,” which was globally launched at the National Press Club on Thursday, Nov. 12, 2009, in Washington. (Kevin Wolf, AP Images for TED Prize)