TED Blog

Charter for Compassion plaques now available

When Karen Armstrong was given one wish to change the world through the TED Prize, she wished for the creation of a Charter for Compassion. On November 12th, the charter was unveiled to the world, after months of collaborative effort and multi-denominational participation. At launch, over 60 plaques bearing the charter were hung in significant religious and secular locations around the world, including India, Botswana, Australia, Malaysia, England and Brazil. Now, the Charter for Compassion plaques are available for individual purchase. Hang one in your home, office, school, community center or house of worship, or consider sending one as a gift to your family member, friend, organization or religious community.

The plaques were designed by Yves Behar and his team at fuseproject as elegant reminders of each day’s opportunity to live more compassionately. Each plaque is hand-crafted by Thomas Duffy, a designer and craftsman with 30 years of experience. They can be made in all languages we have available for download. The Charter for Compassion is a non-profit initiative and the plaques are priced at cost. Plaques are $200 (USD) each, including shipping & handling. Some international locations may require additional payment for shipping.

If you are interested in purchasing a plaque, please visit our webstore here >>

If you can’t afford to purchase a plaque, we encourage you to download a copy to frame and hang on your wall. You can find a downloadable version for over 30 languages here >>