TED Blog

Day four: The day in quotes

“We are seeding the area with ‘green-collar’ jobs, people who have both an economic interest and a personal stake in their environment”— Majora Carter on her organization’s efforts to ‘green’ the South Bronx

“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original” – Ken Robinson

“Creativity is now as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status”. — Ken Robinson

“He was in someone’s English class wasn’t he? … How annoying would that be?” —Ken Robinson imagining the challenge of educating William Shakespeare

“You see that the artist had no idea how to use colors, or maybe he was in a hurry” —Ursus Wehrli on “tidying up” Paul Klee’s 1930 colored chalkboard “Farbtafel”

“Live a “carbon neutral” life, it’s easier than you think: reduce, and then offset the rest” – Al Gore

“On behalf of the elephants, thank you for listening” — Photographer Gregory Colbert