TED Blog

Have you watched all the TEDTalks?

Inspired by a comment from Benedikt Heinen, the TED Blog would like to know: How many people out there have set a goal to watch all the TEDTalks?

In two weeks, we’re going to be celebrating 5 years of posting TEDTalks online. And if you’ve watched every TEDTalk — we want to celebrate that too. Hit the comments (or email contact@ted.com, or write a blog post and share the link) and let us know:

How did you find TEDTalks?

At what point did you set the goal: “I want to watch every TEDTalk”?

How are you keeping track?

What’s a talk you think you would not have watched without this goal?

What’s your favorite TEDTalk?

What’s something you learned from this experience?

People who’ve set this goal often find the TEDTalks spreadsheet helpful for keeping track.