For next year’s SXSW Interactive festival in Texas, TED has submitted four ideas for panel discussions and talks — and your vote can help put them on the official schedule.
If you’re planning on going to SXSW Interactive next spring or following via podcast, check out the ideas below, and cast your vote if they look interesting! TED has suggested these four panels — click each name to read more and to vote:
“Turning a Real-Life Event Into an Online Experience” For years, the TED Conference was a well-kept secret among the 1,000 people who attended each year. All that changed in 2006, when the talks from the conference first appeared online. June Cohen, the Executive Producer of TED Media, talks about how to share the magic of a live conference with an online audience.
“Evolution of Online Video” A group of industry leaders (including TED’s Jason Wishnow) will talk about the evolution of online video and weigh in on emerging trends for the future of online video
“Offering Your Content in 100 Languages” A social translation program like TED’s Open Translation Project is one way to make your website accessible to a global audience. Representatives from successful translation projects will share what works.
“Anatomy of a TEDTalk” June Cohen and Jason Wishnow of TED’s media team will explain how TED makes addictive video out of conference speakers giving the “talk of their lives.” They’ll walk through the process of creating a TEDTalk and offer lots of advice and tips.
Voting closes at the end of the day on Friday, September 4, 2009. And SXSW Interactive happens March 12-16 in Austin, Texas.
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