TED Blog

The Big Idea: Meetings, the ultimate time-suck, and how to fix them

When great minds meet, everybody benefits. So, when meetings are good, they’re great. But if they’re bad (as most office meetings are, be honest with yourself), they’re anything but beneficial. You may say to yourself, or quietly argue to this article during your sad desk lunch: “But I am doing work. I’m sitting and talking and brainstorming about work, thus I am working.” Yeah, not really.

As Jason Fried (TED Talk: Why work doesn’t happen at work) points out, “Meetings aren’t work. Meetings are places to go to talk about things you’re supposed to be doing later.”

Or, if you’re not in-person, there’s the hands-free and nightmarish conference call.

Since we can’t escape meetings entirely, how do we stop them from sucking up everyone’s time and space like the work equivalent of a black hole?

Step 1: Ask yourself a simple question. “Does this [thing] really need a meeting?”

If you’re having a hard time answering that question, here’s a handy infographic that should help you get to the bottom of one of work-life’s most sustaining and existential questions.

Other questions to think about:

Step 2: If a meeting is unavoidable — how do you minimize the inevitable dread for all involved?

“[There’s] this fundamental belief that we are powerless to do anything other than go to meetings and suffer through these poorly run meetings and live to meet another day,” says David Grady.

Which, generally, sounds like a special circle of hell that it needn’t be.

In his talk, Grady outlines a few ways to lessen the blunt force trauma to the head that a poorly run, unproductive meeting can feel like. Behold, a 3-point checklist.

Step 3: Third meeting in a row? Consider moving outside the conference room. (If the meeting is small, that is.)

Cabin fever sets in probably around Meeting Three (that’s just a guesstimate). And if the meetings don’t kill you, the sitting most likely will, says this TED-Ed lesson:

So, if the option is available to you, take your meeting outside. Suggest a walking meeting prior to your small one-on-one or even get some headphones (preferably with a microphone) and take the call on an outdoor excursion around the block.

A little exercise and fresh air does wonders for your mind, health and productivity — and may even improve creativity, a Stanford study finds. You’d also be among some famous company.

All snark aside, meetings are useful when done well. But with great power over other peoples’ time and productivity, comes great responsibility.