
"Rock star" Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala named to World Bank

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NgoziOkonjoIweala-headshotForBlog.jpgNgozi Okonjo-Iweala (watch her TEDTalks from TED2007 and TEDGlobal07), the crusading economist and former Finance Minister of Nigeria, has been appointed a Managing Director of the World Bank.

Dr. Okonjo-Iweala will oversee the World Bank’s work in Africa, South Asia, and Europe and Central Asia. “Her commitment to the developing world is unparalleled,” said Robert Zoellick, the president of the World Bank. She’s been working with the Stolen Assets Recovery (StAR) initiative to help poor countries reclaim assets lost to corruption, and with Bono’s DATA organization on historic debt-relief programs. Bono said of her last week, “She’s the kind of leader we all want to work for.” (And as Portfolio.com commented, she’s as much a rock star as that Irish gentleman.)