Do you think in pictures? These TED fans do — and they capture their thoughts in an idiosyncratic mix of words and text that parallels the way their thoughts flow.
Sharon Hwang posted this adorable video on Instagram, showing her thumbing through her notes from TED2014. She writes, “What an amazing week at TED! Leaving completely inspired, with a pile of notes scribbled.”
A group of “citizen journalists” jotted down their thoughts on the conference using OneNote Online, Microsoft’s group note-taking system. Below, Sheryl Connelly’s interpretation of Larry Page’s talk.
Also via OneNote, Grace Rodriguez remembers Ray Kurzweil’s talk.
In her talk from TED2011, Sunni Brown made the plea: “Doodlers, unite!” This year, she shared her visual recordings of TED2014 talks with LinkedIn. Below, see her capturing of a talk from Amanda Burden, New York City’s former director of city planning.
Collective Next has made a tradition of scribing TED conferences. Here, an interpretation of Jennifer Senior’s talk on parenting, created by Tricia Walker.
TED-Ed Animation Producer Jeremiah Dickey drew portraits of all the speakers he watched in his sketchbook. Below, his interpretations of Will Marshall and Louie Schwartzberg from Session 9, and Mellody Hobson and Sarah Lewis from the start of session 10.
Translator Johanne Benoit-Gallagher, a painter who attended TEDActive, made these doodles while watching Allan Adams’ talk about black holes.