In the Washington Post today, Peter Storey, one of the architects of the Charter for Compassion, shares his thoughts on the eve of the World Cup in his home of South Africa. Just last month, a plaque of the Charter, which was inspired by Karen Armstrong’s 2008 TED Prize wish, was installed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in Capetown. As Storey writes:
On May 20, South Africans of many faiths and race groups packed into the headquarters of the Cape Town Inter-faith Initiative to watch Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu unveil the city’s first Charter for Compassion plaque. It was a reminder, as Charter initiator Karen Armstrong put it, of a time when through the spirit of Nelson Mandela and the Truth and Reconciliation process, South Africa had shown the world that transformation could happen, not only in individuals, but in nations. “There was a shining moment,” she said. “When South Africa showed the world what was possible.”
Read Peter Storey’s editorial, “The World’s Cup runneth over with compassion” >>