TED Blog

Previously on the internet … with Lisa Bu

Every week at TED’s New York office, one media team staffer shares a handful of things on the web that intrigued, shocked or amused them. We call it: Previously on the Internet. Here are this week’s finds, from Lisa Bu, TED’s Content Distribution Manager.

Fact-check politicians
Lisa, who was born in China and has spent the past nine years becoming a United States citizen, can’t understand why Americans are so passive about voting. She is obsessed with PolitiFact.com’s Truth-O-Meter, which verifies political statements and doles out ratings like “Pants on Fire.”

Be a goal-getter
Lisa loves the site StickK.com, which acknowledges that sometimes you need a little help reaching a personal goal. On the site, you sign a commitment contract to yourself. You can even up the stakes by putting money on the line, or appointing a friend as your referee.

Congressional watchdog
On the same note, Lisa keeps up with what is going on in the Senate and House of Representatives. She highly recommends the apps Congress (for Android) and Real Time Congress (for iPhone), an easy way to see what bills will soon be up for voting.

See today’s front pages
Everyday, the Newseum’s website features 881 newspaper front pages from 90 countries, a great way to see what is going on across the globe. And if you ever visit this museum dedicated to journalism in Washington, D.C., Lisa highly recommends the bathrooms, where hilariously bad headlines are used as wallpaper.