TED Blog

Reflections on TEDGlobal 2014, from the community

TEDGlobal 2014 brought our conference to the tropics. Here’s what the community had to say following this conference all about the theme “South!” Photo: Ryan Lash

One of the best things about a week after a conference? The chance to reflect on the experience. In the last week, several TEDGlobal 2014 attendees and community members have shared their thoughts throughout the blogiverse. Below, some highlights:

Steve Song shared his experience preparing to speak at TED in a post called “Steve and TED’s Excellent Adventure.” “Have you ever found yourself at a party where you felt like if someone discovered who you really were, you would be ejected immediately? That’s a little bit how I’ve felt for the last six months since my invitation to speak at TEDGlobal 2014,” he writes in a wonderful diary. “My dominant emotion in coming away from TEDGlobal — a powerful urge to kick things up a notch.  Several notches, actually.”

Emmanuelle Roques, an organizer of TEDxBordeaux, used the conference as way to meet people in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rather than watch from the theater, she traveled each day to a different collaborative space that was participating in TEDGlobal Para Todos to watch the livestream with whoever happened to be there. Read her diary.

Igor Botelho Bernardes calls TEDGlobal a “life-changing” experience. On his site, AsBoasNovas.com (aka “The good news”), he shared a roundup of the Brazilian speakers who took the stage and teased out 15 ideas that he thinks could revolutionize the southern hemisphere. (In Portuguese.)

Fabiano Serfaty wrote about his TEDGlobal experience through his blog for Veja magazine. Read his highlights,  and an interview with TED Fellow Joe Landolina, who talked about his incredible gel that stops severe bleeding. (In Portuguese.)

Luke Barbara shares how he crowdfunded his way to TEDGlobal 2014.

Dilip Ratha — the lead economist of the World Bank who gave the incredible talk, “The hidden force in global economics: sending money home” — shared his experience at the conference on his blog. It begins, “Chief Experience Disruptor. I stared at the name tag again — yes, that was his title…”

Gabriel Borges posted his diary of the event through ProjetoDraft.com. Read his recaps of day 1, day 2, and day 3 — or skip on over to his final thoughts. (In Portuguese.) 

Rishad Tobaccowala of Publicis Groupe revealed the three main takeaways that he saw in the TEDGlobal program, including the many ways that the intersection of mobile technology and cloud computing is having an impact.

Paul Robert Reid admits that he has “Post #TEDGlobal blues.” Another fun read from his site: his recap of visiting Jardim Gramacho, aka Rio’s rubbish dump, where artist Vik Muniz found materials for his work “Waste Land.” 

And if you too have blogged about watching TED Live or going to the conference — share a link in the comments!