TED Blog

Report from TEDGlobal Session 5: Healthier Together

Inge Missmahl wants to bring psychotherapy into war-torn regions. Example: Afghanistan. The family is central in the Afghan society — but sometimes people cannot share their trauma with their family.

Mitchell Besser: HIV is a medical story, but more a social story. (And meds don’t equal medical care.) 33 million people living with HIV in the world today. He looks for ways to prevent new infections.

Karsu Donmez — a.k.a. the “Dutch Nora Jones” — plays blue melodies.

Arthur Potts Dawson is making the most sustainable supermarket in the world (zero waste) and connecting communities to rural growers.

John Hardy decided to give back locally in Bali, and created the Green School. Classrooms at the Green School have no walls, natural sunlight, bamboo desks. The Green School is going off the grid — getting solar power, compost toilets.

Photos: TED / James Duncan Davidson