TED Blog

Scenes from TEDxSummit workshops

Photo: James Duncan Davidson

Chris Anderson demos the anticipated new platform, TED-Ed, which allows teachers to upload their best lessons to be turned into animated videos for students. TED-Ed also employs flip teaching, so that any teacher may “flip” a lesson and make it their own. Attendees voice their passion and interest, suggesting improvements and features before the site has officially launched!

Photo: Kris Krüg

Notes from the ABC’s of a great TEDTalk — or in this case, the XYZ’s of a terrible TEDTalk.

Photo: James Duncan Davidson

Director of Events Janet McCartney gives advice to TEDx organizers about planning a full spectrum TEDx event.

Photo: Kris Krüg

A TEDx-er jots down notes during the “Ask Hans anything” session.

Photo: Kris Krüg

Attendees capture learnings from each workshop to help keep records of the TEDx community’s needs and next steps.