TED Blog

Sharing TED Moments …

Every year, we leave Monterey buzzing about our “TED moments”: those magical instances of creativity and connectivity that can happen only at TED. Some are collective experiences: a moment of profound inspiration on stage ripples through the audience, and you can almost see the lightbulbs illuminating over 500 heads. Others are deeply personal … the kind of “A-ha!” moments that happen when you suddenly connect your own ideas with something far deeper or meet a person who transforms your thinking.

Many bloggers have already shared their TED moments: Bill Liao found his world view changed by Al Gore’s wake-up call on climate change. Something clicked for John Maeda during Ken Robinson’s talk on education. The normally unflappable Ethan Zuckerman found himself tongue-tied in the presence of Dan Dennett. Bruno Giussani mused over the unceremonious removal of Al Gore’s namebadge. And Andrew Anker laughed at himself, with Tipper Gore’s help.

For me, three TED Moments in particular stand out: all moments when our collective energy surged …

But there are so many others! And of course, the beauty of TED is that we all take something different from it. We’re so curious, then, to compare notes … Tell us: What were your TED moments?

Leave comments here, or email me directly: june at ted dot com.