Tags > Alastair Parvin

Stories for "Alastair Parvin"

How to print out your own house

How to print out your own house


Architect Alastair Parvin came to TED2013 with questions that challenge our preconceptions about building. How about we involve everyone in the architectural design process, not just professional architects building for the super-wealthy? What about a world in which cities are built by citizens? Parvin isn’t merely being rhetorical, as he shares in today’s talk. He []

The DIY house of the future: Alastair Parvin at TED2013

The DIY house of the future: Alastair Parvin at TED2013


Designer Alastair Parvin begins this Session 4 of TED2013 with the theme “Disrupt!” When we use the word architect or designer, Parvin suggests, we mean a professional, a person paid to design. And we believe it’s only these people who can solve the world’s biggest design problems. But he says firmly: That’s wrong. When Parvin []

Disrupt!: The speakers in Session 4 at TED2013

Disrupt!: The speakers in Session 4 at TED2013


From all the breathless hype that surrounds the topic, you’d be forgiven for thinking that disruptive innovation was a common force throughout the world. Reality proves otherwise. In this session, we brought together a collection of individuals who have some right to the title of disruptor. Their work pushes at the boundaries of what’s expected []