Tags > Blood Orange

Stories for "Blood Orange"

Building a house of music: Blood Orange at TED2014

Building a house of music: Blood Orange at TED2014


Devonté Hynes is a producer, singer, composer, author, and more. He’s spent a lot of his career helping other musicians produce their work, or writing for others. But he also has an amazing solo career as Blood Orange. At TED, he plays the piano and explains how he sees music. And he really sees music []

Passion: The speakers in session 10 of TED2014

Passion: The speakers in session 10 of TED2014


Our passions are what drive us through our lives and our work. What unexpected places can they take us? In this session, seven speakers show the incredible range of answers. Below, the speakers who appeared in this session. Click on a speaker’s name to read a full recap of their talk. Mellody Hobson advocates for financial []