Tags > Daphne Koller

Stories for "Daphne Koller"

What’s next for MOOCs?

What’s next for MOOCs?


“Questions Worth Asking” is a new editorial series from TED in which we’ll pose thorny questions to those with a thoughtful, relevant (or irrelevant but still interesting) take. This week: “What’s next for MOOCs?”, those online courses that have thrown a techno-bomb at traditional higher education. Here, a primer to catch you up if you’ve somehow managed []

12 great free online courses

12 great free online courses


Much ado has been made in recent years over the quickly rising cost of healthcare in the United States. But the cost of college tuition and fees has skyrocketed at nearly twice that rate. Going to college today will cost a student 559% more than it did in 1985, on average. In an exciting talk []

Massive online education: Daphne Koller at TEDGlobal 2012

Massive online education: Daphne Koller at TEDGlobal 2012


Schools out of reach Daphne Koller is a third-generation PhD, and in her own words, she is certainly one of the lucky people. Most people, of course, are not. In some parts of the world, quality education is simply not available. In South Africa, for example, the higher education system was designed during Apartheid, and []