Tags > Future of work

Stories for "future of work"

A biologist, an engineer, a designer and a musical robot builder walk into a room. Not a joke; it’s their office

A biologist, an engineer, a designer and a musical robot builder walk into a room. Not a joke; it’s their office


Listen to too much talk about innovation, and before long you’re bound to hear someone utter the “cross” word. It might be followed by “fertilization,” maybe “pollination,” perhaps even “disciplinary,” but the sharing of ideas with unlike-minded people is a hot topic, the holy grail of wannabe world-changers. After all, the thinking goes, working with []

Race with the machines: Erik Brynjolfsson at TED2013

Race with the machines: Erik Brynjolfsson at TED2013


Erik Brynjolfsson says growth is not dead. To make his case in session 1 of TED2013, he points out two moments in the past — one that took place 120 years ago and the other that took place about 15 years ago. One hundred and twenty years ago, the Second Industrial Revolution began. But while the tools []

Progress Enigma: The speakers in Session 1 of TED2013

Progress Enigma: The speakers in Session 1 of TED2013


As we assembled TED2013’s lineup of speakers from around the world, talked with the TED brain trust, and listened to online conversations, one theme emerged: What is the future of work? Technology and new business practices are, in many ways, putting an end to the classic “good job,” the kind that millions of people once []