Stories for "HIV/AIDS"

10 bold ideas for ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic

10 bold ideas for ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic


[ted id=1645 width=560 height=315] When Celine, a housewife in West Cameroon, was diagnosed with HIV six years ago, she signed up to be part of a clinical trial that gave her the antiretroviral drugs she needed, for free. However, when doctor and clinical researcher Boghuma Kabisen Titanji met Celine five years later, she had gone []

6 talks about problems with patents


[ted id=1627 width=560 height=315] The Wright Brothers’ flying machine took off from Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on December 17, 1903. Credited as the first to successfully fly an airplane, the Wright Brothers were one of several in the early aviation game who were filing patents for their innovations and suing competitors who stepped on their []

2007 TED Prize winner Bill Clinton on TEDTalks


Accepting his 2007 TED Prize, Bill Clinton says he’s trying to build a better world to hand to his daughter. Unequal, unstable and unsustainable, our world must correct its course, and private citizens (“like me”) can be powerful forces for change. His Clinton Foundation, fresh from its success negotiating down pharmaceutical prices in the developing []