Tags > Lewis Gordon Pugh

Stories for "Lewis Gordon Pugh"

New-wave campaigning for climate change


On Saturday, October 17, president Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives will conduct his national cabinet meeting … 20 feet beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean. The president and his ministers will carry out the full monty under the sea with wetsuits, compressed-air tanks and even waterproof pens and paperwork to persuade world leaders of []

Swimming the North Pole: Lewis Pugh on TED.com


Lewis Pugh talks about his record-breaking swim across the North Pole. He braved the icy waters (in a Speedo) to highlight the melting icecap. Watch for astonishing footage — and some blunt commentary on the realities of supercold-water swims. (Recorded at TEDGlobal 2009, July 2009 in Oxford, England. Duration: 18:54) Watch Lewis Pugh’s talk on []

Lewis Pugh at TEDGlobal 2009: Running notes from Session 4


Seven years ago, Lewis Pugh went to the Arctic for the first time, and since then he says he has seen it change “without description.” To bring awareness to the issue of climate change, Pugh decided that he would swim across the North Pole, in waters at -1.7 degrees Celsius. Today, on stage, Pugh describes []

Twitter Snapshot: Lewis Pugh's Polar Plunge


Lewis Pugh, long-distance and cold-water swimmer, recounted his extraordinary feat of swimming across the North Pole in an effort to raise awareness for climate change. Melted ice in the Arctic afforded him the opportunity to swim 1 mile in the -1.7C water. TED Tweeters were awestruck by Pugh’s conviction and the footage of his swim []