Tags > Mark Kendall

Stories for "Mark Kendall"

Vaccines via a patch: Mark Kendall at TEDGlobal 2013

Vaccines via a patch: Mark Kendall at TEDGlobal 2013


Mark Kendall has a new medical invention that will make anyone with a fear of needles very happy: the Nanopatch, a tiny square (smaller than a postage stamp) that can deliver a dose of vaccine. But beyond solving needle-phobia, the Nanopatch could solve many other problems that now keep vaccines from being completely effective. Kendall, a []

Regeneration: The speakers in Session 7 at TEDGlobal 2013

Regeneration: The speakers in Session 7 at TEDGlobal 2013


Session 7, “Regeneration,” couldn’t come at a better time; it’s the end of the second day of TEDGlobal 2013, and we could all use a little repair and restoration. In this session, four scientists and researchers look closely at the ways in which the body breaks down — and how we can rebuild them. Here []