Tags > One Billion Rising

Stories for "One Billion Rising"

TED’s New York office rises and dances for V-Day

TED’s New York office rises and dances for V-Day


The TED staff got up to dance this afternoon to celebrate V-Day. This global movement, founded by TED speaker Eve Ensler, turns 15 today and is celebrating with the One Billion Rising campaign — inviting us to stop, dance and rise against violence. One Billion Rising is dedicated to the 1 in 3 of the []

An anthem for the campaign to end violence against women


One billion is certainly in the zeitgeist. V-day, the global campaign founded by four-time TED speaker Eve Ensler to end violence against women and girls, recently unveiled its One Billion Rising initiative. The name comes from the horrifying statistic that 1 in 3 women will be beaten or abused in their lifetime — on a []