Tags > Perception

Stories for "perception"

Studying human nature by picking pockets: A Q&A with Apollo Robbins

Studying human nature by picking pockets: A Q&A with Apollo Robbins


If you ever meet Apollo Robbins in person, hold onto your wallet. The professional sleight-of-hand artist, who has been studying magic for more than 25 years, made headlines in 2001 when he pickpocketed Jimmy Carter’s Secret Service detail, taking their badges and even the keys to the motorcade. Since then, he has gained a reputation []

TED Weekends explores how our minds shape reality

TED Weekends explores how our minds shape reality


Green. Blue. Red. Grey. Few of us give much thought to the way we see color. But in a classic talk given at TEDGlobal 2009, Beau Lotto shows how the colors we see do not necessarily line up with what is actually there. Lotto uses color as an illustration of how our perception is tinted []